Détails de l'annonce
Publiée le:
29 juin 2021
Lieu de travail:
Tunis, Tunisie
Entre 5 et 10 ans
Bac + 4
Plein temps
Arabe , Anglais
Secteur: banque / finance / assurances
Taille: Entre 200 et 500 employés

Bank ABC Tunisie est une Banque Internationale filiale du Groupe Bank ABC fondé en 1980 à Bahreïn, Leader sur son segment de marché. Le Groupe Bank ABC est présent dans la région MENA, en Europe, en Asie, aux Etats-Unis et au Brésil et fournit des produits financiers et des services innovants exhaustifs comprenant le financement des entreprises, le financement des opérations de commerce international, le financement de projets, les financements structurés, la levée de fonds sur les marchés de capitaux, les syndications bancaires, les produits de trésorerie et la finance islamique. Notre Groupepropose également des services bancaires aux particuliers en Tunisie, Jordanie, Egypte et Algérie. Bank ABC est présente en Tunsie sous un double statut : une entité Offshore opérationnelle depuis l’an 1993 et une Banque commerciale résidente opérationnelle depuis l’an 2000. «Etre une Banque Internationale Leader dans la Région MENA» est notre Vision Stratégique. Les 3 C’s « Client au centre de notre attention, Collaboration et Cohérence» sont nos Valeurs Universelles.

Description de l'annonce:


Job purpose:

- Ensurethatthe Bank is carryingits business and operationsi namanner compliant with the Shari’a rules and principles.

The SCOreports function ally to the Sharia’s Supervisory Board and administratively to the Managing Director.

- Assist Compliance Officer in performing part of their day-to-day duties and deputize for them in their absence and ensure that the Bank complies with the Central Bank Rules, AML Law and any other applicable AML/CFT legislations at all times.

Education / Certifications

  Having at least a bachelor’s degree or higher in accounting, banking, finance, business, economics or any other relevant discipline; including Advanced Diploma in Islamic Finance

  Holding the relevant professional qualification specific to this role, which may include but is not limited to:

- Chartered Certified Accountant (ACCA); or

- Certified Public Accountant (CPA); or

- Certified Islamic Professional Accountant (CIPA); or

- Chartered Internal Auditor (CIA); 

- Certified Shari’a Advisor & Auditor (CSAA); or

- Similar qualification with a valid current practicing certificate.

- Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist Examination (ACAMS) ; and/ or

- Diploma in Anti-Money Laundering offered by the International Compliance Association; and/ or

- International Diploma in Financial Crime Prevention offered by International Compliance Association; and/or

- International Advanced Certificate in Compliance and Financial Crime offered by the International Compliance Association.


- Having the relevant accounting and auditing experience and qualifications to fulfill his responsibilities;

- Having appropriate level of knowledge in Shari’a rules and principles, AAOIFI (Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions) Shari’a standards and Islamic finance.


- Having familiarity with and reasonable understanding of Shari’a rules and principles, AAOIFI Shari’a standards, etc. as demonstrated by the relevant qualification / certification such as Advance Diploma in Islamic Finance or by any other means;

- Having a minimum 5 years in the Shari’a audit function with an Islamic bank or financial institution dealing with Islamic products and services.

Personal attribute

- Mature, experienced and seasoned;

- Good communicator and highly collaborative.