Détails de l'annonce
Publiée le:
28 juin 2024
Type de poste:
Lieu de travail:
Tunis, Tunisie
Entre 5 et 10 ans
Bac + 5
Plein temps
Arabe , Français , Anglais
Secteur: banque / finance / assurances
Taille: Entre 200 et 500 employés

Bank ABC Tunisie est une Banque Internationale filiale du Groupe Bank ABC fondé en 1980 à Bahreïn, Leader sur son segment de marché. Le Groupe Bank ABC est présent dans la région MENA, en Europe, en Asie, aux Etats-Unis et au Brésil et fournit des produits financiers et des services innovants exhaustifs comprenant le financement des entreprises, le financement des opérations de commerce international, le financement de projets, les financements structurés, la levée de fonds sur les marchés de capitaux, les syndications bancaires, les produits de trésorerie et la finance islamique. Notre Groupepropose également des services bancaires aux particuliers en Tunisie, Jordanie, Egypte et Algérie. Bank ABC est présente en Tunsie sous un double statut : une entité Offshore opérationnelle depuis l’an 1993 et une Banque commerciale résidente opérationnelle depuis l’an 2000. «Etre une Banque Internationale Leader dans la Région MENA» est notre Vision Stratégique. Les 3 C’s « Client au centre de notre attention, Collaboration et Cohérence» sont nos Valeurs Universelles.

Description de l'annonce:

Bank ABCT is reinforcing its teams with the recruitment of a Business Continuity Officer.

The Business Continuity Officer will act as Subject Matter Expert in Business Continuity Management (BCM) for the Unit,  support the Unit’s General Management team in discharging their responsibilities for ensuring the resilience of local BCM and Disaster Recovery (DR) arrangements. 

They must ensure the timely escalation of any observed issues or concerns with respect to the Unit’s BCM or DR arrangements to their line manager, the relevant local Governance Committees and to Group BCM in Bahrain.

I Principal Responsibilities, Accountabilities and Deliverables of Role:

-  Contribute to the overall development of the Group’s BCM Policy framework and lead its implementation by the Unit.

-  Lead the development, maintenance and oversight of the Unit preparedness and readiness in the event of a disruption / disaster.

-  Work closely and communicate regularly with local IT and other key stakeholders in the delivery of local and Group BCM and DR strategy.

-  Deploy and monitor relevant Key Performance Metrics to drive a consistent, rigorous, and on-going assessment of the Unit’s BCM capability.

-  Coordinate management efforts to identify and respond to actual or potential internal and external threats to the continuity of operations across the Unit.

-  Define and execute the Unit’s local annual business continuity plan within the requirements of the Group Annual Business Continuity Plan.

-  Co-ordinate with Unit staff (including Heads of Department and Recovery Team Leaders) and challenge the completeness, thoroughness, and effectiveness of Business Impact Analysis.

-  Monitor P1 / P2 material incidents to assess the need to activate local BCM arrangements based on Recovery Time Objective (RTOs) and any other potential impact on Unit BCM arrangements arising from reported incidents.

-  Report on the status of the business continuity activities across the Unit to relevant Governance Committees and to the Group Business Continuity Manager.

-  And develop and deliver ongoing Business Continuity training to management and staff.

II Job Requirements:

1- Education / Certifications

Bachelor's degree in Business and /or Administration, Information Technology, Risk Management, Finance, or any other relevant field.

Certifications related to BCM and/or DR i.e. AMBCI or MBCI, CBCI, DBCI, EDRP, ISO 22301 are a plus. 

2- Experience

- At least 5-7 years of relevant work experience in BCM ideally in a Banking context.

- Extensive experience in BCM, DR, Operational Risk Management, Audit Disciplines preferably within a financial institution.

3- Knowledge

Strong understanding of international best practices in BCM i.e. ISO22301 and GPG 2019. 

- Strong knowledge in local regulatory BCM and DR requirements.

- Experience in dealing with crises / incident management.

- Demonstrable knowledge of banking operations and processes.

- Strong practical experience with tools and methodologies applied to business processes, business applications, technology infrastructure and third-party service providers.

4- Personal Attributes

- Excellent collaboration and interpersonal skills with the ability to develop and maintain effective working relationships across all levels. 

- Excellent written / verbal communication and presentation skills.

- Strong analytical and problem-solving skills. 

- Strong time-management skills. 

- Strong self-motivation and leadership attributes. 

- Strong people management and relationship skills. 

- Good experience leading business critical projects.